This July marks the 15th year of The Ethics Project founding as a non-profit organization. We have grown from a small entity struggling to raise awareness about the impact of injustice and mass incarceration on children, families, and the community, to become a nationally recognized and multi-award-winning non-profit. Through 15-years of growth, our vision has remained the same >>> to create a more just, equitable, and less punitive society that recognizes and encourages the talents and abilities of all.
The images and information that make up our 15-Year Commemorative Magazine reflect a remarkable journey to improve the well-being of our youth and strengthen our community by addressing the impact of crime, incarceration, and injustice on children, families, and the community as a whole. With your support, we will continue on this journey.
To support the work of The Ethics Project and order a copy of The Ethics Project’s 15-year Commemorative Magazine click here:
For a suggested donation of $15 or more, we will send you a copy of The Ethics Project’s 15-year Commemorative Magazine depicting historical moments at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Medgar Evers Home Musem, Morehouse College, Jackson State University and many other events.

Each Wednesday from April 27th through July 29th, 2020, the Virtual National Youth Summit on Education, Justice, and Leadership held two sessions at 12:00 and 4:00 p.m. Each dynamic session was free and open to the public. With more than 40 presenters from civil right leaders to legislators, hundreds of participants from around the world gained knowledge and insight into a wide range of subjects related to education, social justice, and leadership. We are grateful to Eventbrite for making our series a part of their social justice platform and for giving us a world stage.

Thank you for supporting these two powerful fundraisers.

“The vision of The Ethics Project is a less punitive society that recognizes and encourages the talents and abilities of all. We strive daily to create a more just and equitable society that begins with raising the bar on ethics – in the workplace, classrooms, courtrooms and police departments.”
Click the image for our full brochure then help us make this vision a reality around the country by supporting The National Youth Summit, Mother 2 Mother, Father 2 Father, the Police and Pastor Lunches and other important tools to address injustice and heal the racial divide. Be a part of a national movement to heal the impact of crime and injustice. Become an associate of The Ethics Project and support ongoing research, public education, workshops, and Consortiums of Agencies and Ministries of those who serve populations most affected by crime and incarceration. All information remains anonymous unless otherwise requested.
Christi M. Griffin, the Founder and President of The Ethics Project, announces pre-orders of the 2nd Edition of her book Incarcerations in Black and White, the Subjugation of Black America. The first edition of the book sold out at the National Leadership Conference of the National Council of Jewish Women in June 2018, with the 2nd edition still in progress.
The 2nd Edition is now available for a suggested donation of $25 or more. Your donation supports the ongoing work to change the face of criminal justice in America. The 2nd edition of Incarcerations has a new cover, new data, and, with the first edition written and released prior to Ferguson, this edition includes a chapter that references the killing of Michael Brown, the protests, the bungled handling of the Darren Wilson grand jury, the bar complaint filed against County Prosecutor, Bob McCulloch, and the response.
The book is available only through The Ethics Project and at talks given by Dr. Griffin. Request your copy today by clicking the donate button below.