About Us
” I have never experienced such a powerful storytelling, witness-bearing event.”
Thank you for your interest in Mother 2 Mother, A Conversation with Black Mothers to White About “The Talk” With Their Black Sons.
Mother 2 Mother – Five Years Later was held at the Missouri History Museum on Septebmer 15, 2019. After more than forty conversations in the St. Louis Region and Memphis TN, the original Mothers of Mother 2 Mother drew the first chapter to a close. We are pleased to announce the Next Generation of Mother 2 Mother under the leadership of b.Marcell Williams. Please come back for updates on the inaugural Conversation to be held virtually on Zoom.

Mother 2 Mother was proudly held for the National Leadership of the National Council of Jewish Women on June 2, 2019.

Father 2 Father

HISTORY: Mother 2 Mother began in September 2014, by Dr. Christi Griffin, founder and president of The Ethics Project, as a means of creating understanding, healing and solutions to racism and over policing in the African American community. The Conversations were launched to a full house at the Missouri History Museum in partnership with the Racial Justice Program of the YWCA and the Missouri History Museum. The idea was prompted by a forum at Christ the King Church following the killing of unarmed teenager, Michael Brown. Christ the King’s pastor, Rev. Traci Blackmon, herself a mother of Black sons, shared her experience at the launch of the Conversations. Gestating only as an idea, it became reality when radio host Carol Daniel contacted Griffin for an interview and encouraged action.

From left to right: Dr. Christi Griffin, Marlowe Thomas Gaines, Rev. Traci Blackmon, Riisa Renee, Dr. Kimberly Tillman Norwood, Assata Henderson, Amy Hunter, Dr. Leah Gunning Francis, and CBS radio anchor, Carol Daniel
Eleven Mothers have shared their stories with thousands of mostly White, attendees in a total of 18 conversations. In April 2016, a Conversation was filmed for a documentary at The National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN, at the request of PBS. Excerpts of that documentary were aired twice following the killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. It will be aired nationally in full this fall.

Interest in Mother 2 Mother has been shown in New York, Louisville, Madison and as far away as Arizona, San Diego, and Oregon. The core group of Mothers include: Christi Griffin, Professor Kimberly Norwood, author Riisa Renee, CBS radio anchor, Carol Daniel, Tango Walker, Marlowe Thomas Gaines, Nadida Amatullah-Matin, Rev. Traci Blackmon, and Donna Rogers-Beard. Their talks are often augmented by a brief report of Dr. Leah Francis Gunning, the newly appointed Vice President of Christian Theological Seminary in Indiana and mother of two young sons, on her study of the risks faced by Black boys of all socio-economic backgrounds.
PURPOSE: The purpose of Mother 2 Mother is to expose a community of women to the dangers and reality of raising Black sons in America regardless of the socio-economic status achieved. Concurrently it provides an outlet for other Black mothers to share in their struggle. Together, the Conversations are intended to spur women to use their considerable power and energy to create broad change within their homes, schools, and communities. Attendees have acknowledged a broadened view and have publicly pledged to create change.
OTHER CONVERSATIONS: Since beginning Mother 2 Mother, requests were made to hold variations of these conversations. As a result, we’ve held Father 2 Father, Man 2 Man, and Parent 2 Parent. We are also open to hosting a Conversation for teens as well as for police.
VENUES: Mother 2 Mother and its successor conversations have been held in museums, churches, schools, synagogues, temples, police departments, and a convent. While we held conversations in any location that serves the needs of the community, the current state of social distancing requires that the Next Generation Mother 2 Mother will be held via virtual meetings until further notice.
GUIDELINES: We welcome and encourage new hosts for Next Generation Mother 2 Mother Conversations locally and across the country. The following guidelines have been developed to maintain the purpose and integrity of our work.
- Please use the full title and image of Mother 2 Mother, A Conversation with Black Mothers to White About “The Talk” With Their Black Sons in all communications
- Provide a safe and convenient location for a broad host of attendees
- Allot time for audience questions, brief stories, and reactions
- Provide an informal post-Conversation reception with light refreshments if possible.
Children and childcare are strongly discouraged. Conversations should be free of any distractions so attendees can be fully engaged and return home in meaningful reflection.
Public announcements, selling or distribution of materials are prohibited. The venue should be maintained as sacred space to respect the dignity of this effort.
PROCEDURE: To host a Next Generation Mother 2 Mother Conversation, please contact us at [email protected]. There is no cost for Mother 2 Mother. Donations to The Ethics Project are welcome and can be made at TheEthicsProject.org
A few of the responses to Mother 2 Mother …
- I have never experienced such a powerful storytelling/witness-bearing event. I could have listened to each woman up there for hours. Each woman illuminated a different facet of this same shared experience…it was like they all told the same story, but a different dimension of it. It was pure love, art, and power. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Marlo Goldstein Hode
- Thank you for inviting me. Very moving and very powerful. It was all I could do, every time a mother shared her story, NOT to cry. We definitely need a Mother to Mother II. When Carol Daniel started talking about our children and their teachers I thought of another whole can of worms that needs to be opened and cleaned out!! Yes, definitely a Part II is needed! I will look forward to it and I hope we be sure to leave some question time from the audience that next time. Very important that we hear from them as well. Thank you again. Kimberly Tillman Norwood, Law Prof. Washington U
- Thank you for having me. Thank you for exposing me to such amazing women with such powerful voices. Thank you for the work you do today & every day. Looking forward to part II and hearing from the community “across the color line”. Riisa Renee
- As an audience participant, it was powerful to witness the gamut of emotions the sharing of the stories evoked. As a Black mother of a son who experiences the same scenario, I was reminded of the courageous conversations that are very necessary if we are going to ever achieve a measure of consciousness that allows us to bridge the great chasm between blacks and whites. Thanks for being a mover and a shaker! Denita Robinson
- Thank YOU for answering this call. The mothers offered amazing stories that were spoken with such grace and truth. Dr, Leah Gunning Francis
- Thank you, Christi, and each mother whose family story helped us listen and learn. There was so much I had never had reason to understand. Listening was such a rich and exhausting experience. I am grateful there was not time for Q&A, as the tone and pitch and clarity might have been altered in that kind of format. Bravo. Powerful, a privilege to be present. Faith Sandler
- Powerful discussion from some powerful mothers about their feelings and strategies raising African-American sons. They discussed the survival techniques they had to teach so that their sons would “arrive alive “. Great job Christi Griffin. Alfred Long
- It was wonderful … each woman spoke from the heart. It was tremendous. Thank you sooooo much, Mary S. for this information! I attended the MO History Museum event tonight on Mother to Mother, Black mothers speak out organized by Christi Griffin. It was VERY well done and so well received that the almost packed audience asked for Step 2! Antona Brent Smith
- The two hours I spent listening to the experiences these mothers shared stopped me in my tracks. Everyone needs to read this. And especially if you are a mother or if there is a special child in your life. We have to be able to work across color lines. Our children’s futures depend on it. Nicole W. (FB)
Article from the St. Louis Public Radio: http://news.stlpublicradio.org/post/black-moms-teach-white-moms-about-having-talk-their-sons
Article from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch http://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/relationships-and-special-occasions/parenting/aisha-sultan/article_050d4db8-8155-568a-93d3-20ec1d10f7a4.html
40 N. Kingshighway 12F | St. Louis MO 63108 |314-495-9528 | TheEthicsProject.org
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